Abrites CarMon is Chariot Motors electric buses’ remote diagnostics, monitoring, and route tracking system
Abrites makes vehicle diagnostics software and hardware. For Chariot Motors, they have developed custom facilities that monitor diverse parameters in real time online. Abrites CarMon monitoring system collects and processes live data from vehicles’ internal data networks. It couples each data sample with location data, enabling analysis and tracking. They send information online via the Internet (3G modem) to a server that processes the data.
User functionalities include:
Diagnosing emerging problems in electric buses remotely;
Monitoring electric bus technical status and movements in real time;
Generating reports like groups of parameters’ values over time intervals and related summaries.
Electronic modules enable real time tracking of:
Energy consumed and regenerated in different parts of each electric bus;
Current ultracapacitor voltage;
Subsystems’ power consumptions.
Thanks to the web-based software, we remotely monitor the movement of our electric buses and track the battery/ultracapacitor charge, as well as their remaining mileage. The video shows the system at work and change of electric buses’ electrical parameters in real time.