Battery e-buses Sofia

Bulgarian Finance Minister, Asen Vassilev: “We will buy electric buses for the whole country with money from the European Investment Bank”

Bulgaria is holding negotiations with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to finance a project for replacing the buses used in the country’s urban transport with electric buses. This was announced by Finance Minister Asen Vasilev, who attended the Bank’s Bulgarian annual results presentation, as reported by the Bulgarian National Television (BNT). According to him, if…

18m UC bus in Ljubljana

50% of the city buses registered in Europe in 2023 were zero-emission vehicles

The European electric bus market recorded a 53% growth in registrations during 2023. 6,354 electric busеs were registered in the EU, including Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland. 43% of the city buses were battery, hydrogen, or ultracapacitor-powered e-buses. Overall, 13,466 buses with alternative drivelines were registered, marking a 41% increase as compared with the previous year,…

Azure 9 e-bus has been launched at the Busworld by Chariot Motors’ partner Higer

Chariot Motors’ partner Higer Bus Company, the bus leader in bus and coach manufacturing, launched this October at Busworld the electric battery-powered, nine-meter-long bus Azure as a mid-sized product specifically developed for the European market. The e-bus Azure 9 is equipped with a new CATL battery, high efficiency motor, and intelligent electronic control system. The…

Busworld Europe 2023 will take place in Brussels, 7-12 October

Busworld Conference & Exhibition is scheduled in Brussels from 7 to 12 October, it’ll be hosting over 500 exhibitors with the aim of gathering 40,000 visitors. Chariot Motors’ partners, which are among the modern giants in world e-bus manufacturing (the Shanghai Aowei Technology Development Company, developer of fast-charging capacitors, and the Higer Bus Company), will be exhibitors…

45% growth of zero emissions bus market in Europe in the first half of 2023

С регистрацията на 2 567 батерийни елетробуса през първото полугодие на 2023 година, европейският пазар на електрически автобуси нарастна с 45%. Над една трета от пазара на градски автобуси (37,5%) на европейско ниво са представени от беземисионни автобуси, включващи батерийни и такива с горивни клетки. Фокусът е се насочва върху пазара на автобуси с горивни клетки…

Chariot e-bus Sofia fleet

Sofia has a high score in the Clean Cities Campaign’s ranking for electromobility

In the electromobility ranking prepared by the Clean Cities Campaign, which unites over 80 European civic organizations, Sofia is placed at the top of the list compared to other European cities due to its investment in ecological urban transport and Spark’s shared e-cars. The capital scored well on certain indicators in the report and was even cited in…

Electreon to set longest electric car trip record

Electreon Wireless is set to achieve a significant milestone by completing a four-day 1500 kilometre/900 mile electric car trip without charging. This will be thanks to the company’s proprietary in-road charging strips. The record-setting drive began on Sunday at Electreon’s headquarters in Beit Yanai, Israel. It is set to end on Wednesday. Throughout the journey,…