Chariot Motors offers a full range of 6.8, 8.5, 8.8, 12, and 18 m long slow charging battery electric buses
Length: 6.8m; 8.5 m; 8.8 m; 12 m; and 18 m
Seats: 13+2; 16+2; 20+2; 33 + 3 and 53 + 3
Disabled seating: 1
Passenger capacity: 40, 52, 60, 74, 140
Chariot Motors battery electric buses offer independent emissions free travel. Our full product range offers 6.8, 8.5, 8.8, 12 and 18m lengths. Our battery electric buses will cut your costs by 80 percent per kilometre compared to diesel traction. Maintenance is 30 percent more economical than diesels due to the lack of a reciprocating engine and transmission.
Here are the Chariot Motors electric buses:
The 6.8 metre battery electric bus
The 8.5 metre battery electric bus
The 8.8 metre Azure battery electric bus
The 12 metre battery electric bus
The 12 metre Azure battery electric bus
Chariot Motors battery electric buses pictures
You can find the key technical parameters of all Chariot Motors battery-powered buses in the brochure below.
Мain technical parameters of Chariot Motors' 18m battery electric buses
Slow charging battery e-buses occupy a good share of world public transport operators’ fleets. There are good reasons for that:
They use overnight depot charging, with charging infrastructure safe inside operator premises;
Buses are interoperable across routes without charging infrastructure;
Night recharging coincides with off-peak times and uses cheap electricity;
There is no need for daytime charging or public chargers.