Aowei ultracapacitor technology has application for RES
Ultracapacitor solutions developed by Aowei and Chariot Motors are an alternative solution for solar energy storage in residential buildings. They have a higher power density, store more power in smaller spaces, offer better efficiency and longer lifespan than battery solutions.
Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are intermittent, meaning that they only generate electricity when the sun is shining, or the wind is blowing. This variability can make it difficult to balance the grid and maintain a stable energy supply. The grid must be balanced in real time to ensure that the frequency and voltage remain within safe limits. This is where battery and ultracapacitor energy storage systems come in.
UC energy storage and grid stability
Chariot Motors together with Aowei have a solution that can respond very quickly to changes in voltage and frequency, making it ideal for providing regulation services. When there is excess energy in the grid, the UC can be charged. When there is a shortage of energy, the UC can be discharged very fast, providing power to the grid, and helping to maintain the frequency within safe limits. This helps ensure that the grid remains stable and reliable, even when the share of renewable energy sources increases.
UC energy storage systems can help support grid stability by providing a fast response time in the frequency control market. Frequency is the measure of the speed at which alternating current (AC) changes direction, and it must be kept within a narrow range of 50 or 60 Hertz to ensure the stability of the grid. If the frequency deviates from this range, it can cause blackouts and damage to the equipment.
Aowei’ s ultracapacitor solutions can also be used in hybrid energy storage systems.
UC energy storage system features:
- Design principles: Based on the actual project specifics, the design principles of the energy storage system include the following;
- It can improve the quality of solar and wind energy input;
- It can improve the quality of electrical energy, as the input and exit of any single load or distributed generation cannot cause voltage and frequency fluctuations;
- In the case of island operation, it can meet the continuous power supply requirements for important loads;
- It can store photovoltaic and wind turbine power generated during a whole day;
- Basic functional requirements;
- The system is used to achieve two-way exchanges between the energy storage and the power grid;
- It can work in both charging and discharging modes. The power exchange of the energy storage in each group controls and supports constant power operation, by the application of centralized monitoring and coordination. While there is a process of replacement of any group, the power exchange of several other groups can be automatically increased to maintain the basic stability of the unified power exchange;
- Both remote and local control methods can be used. The equipment has the function of storage and time-sharing work mode. In case of a failure in the background management system, the device can work in the local storage time-sharing work mode;
- It has a complete protection system, including all necessary protection functions such as input under voltage, lack of phase detection, output over-voltage, output overload, and temperature protection.